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Cost of Living Crisis – How retailers can mitigate against price hikes and sell more to their customers

  As the cost of living crisis deepens, the [...]

By |2022-04-22T13:49:31+01:0019 April 2022|Retail, Retail EPoS, Trends|Comments Off on Cost of Living Crisis – How retailers can mitigate against price hikes and sell more to their customers

Out of touch? The increasing importance of contactless payments

Contactless payments are becoming a lot more common; the spending limit on single transactions has been raised once and will be raised again soon. How will this affect retailers, and what should you do to help your customers feel secure while using contactless payments?

By |2023-09-14T17:19:46+01:0020 May 2021|Paymentsense, Retail|0 Comments

Cashing up for the last time? The benefits of becoming a cashless business

Paying for items in a shop using a cheque was once commonplace. Gradually fewer and fewer businesses allowed customers to do this, and now it is almost entirely unheard of. Could it be possible that cash will go the same way? At one point, cash was practically the only way of paying for goods and services, and there was a time when many businesses would only accept cash payments. Now though, it seems like cash payments might be dying out.

By |2022-06-10T15:18:44+01:006 May 2021|Paymentsense, Retail, Trends|0 Comments

Upgrade your Business with Omnichannel EPoS Integration

Online sales have been growing steadily, year-on-year for the last twenty years. Everyone thought that 2020 would be no different and that this trend would simply continue. Of course, none of us had any idea what 2020 would have in store, or how it would change the way that we do business.

By |2023-03-24T16:21:35+00:0011 January 2021|Cloud Based EPoS, Retail, Retail EPoS, Trends|0 Comments
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