Tommy Chapman
RMS Technicians are Masters of Backup
RMS are proud to announce that their Head of Technical, Andrew, has successfully renewed his MAXfocus Master of Backup certificate and our Support and Installation Technician Tommy has now also passed the Masters of Backup Certification with 100 per cent.
Having undertaken an eLearning course with MAXfocus from the Backup Academy, Andrew and Tommy are now professionally certified with LogicNow’s backup and disaster recovery products and services. Having completed this certification they have increased their proficiency in complex backup and recovery of processes in order to further and better assist retailers. The Master of Backup certification affirms their knowledge and expertise in backup and disaster recovery so that RMS (Scotland) Ltd can fully commit to being experts in providing solutions to retailers that protect against such disasters.
As MAXfocus certified specialists they are equipped to help retailers design and implement a disaster recovery solution that minimises the risk of down time to retailers.
Andrew and Tommy have now received their certificates and Masters of Backup T-shirts and we would like to congratulate them on completing their Master of Backup Certifications.
If you would like to refresh your backup strategy or have a discussion about backup and recovery procedures please don’t hesitate to contact RMS; we are more than happy to have an informal discussion about your plans either via email or on 0800 138 0050.
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